Automatic portlet maximization

In earlier versions of WebSphere Portal, the state of a portlet was automatically set to maximize when the portlet mode was changed from view mode to another mode. For example, when switching to edit mode, the portlet would be changed to maximized state until the user changed back to view mode. This automatic maximize behavior has been removed by default, but can be implemented at the following levels.

Portal level
To configure all portlets to automatically maximize when the mode is changed, set the portlet.automaximize configuration service parameter to true for portal configuration serviceIf you set this to true, the portlet window is maximized when a portlet is set into edit, configure or help mode.

Skin level
This behavior can be implemented in portlet skins, using the <portal-navigation:urlGeneration/> tag, so that the administrator can control which portlets are automatically maximized. For example, you could create a skin called PortletWindow_Normal_Skin and a skin called PortletWindow_Max_Skin, with the only difference between the two is that PortletWindow_Max_Skin is used to automatically change the portlet state when the portlet enters another mode other than View.

Portlet level - for IBM portlets
To configure specific portlets to automatically maximize, the portlet developer can initialization parameter to true. See Reserved parameter names for more information.

Portlet level - JSR 168 portlets
In JSR 168, you can specify portlet window state while created actionurl to, from within your doEdit method you can write this code to maximze window state when user goes to personalize mode of portlet.

PortletURL portletURL = renderResponse.createActionURL();

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