EJPIC0067E: Portal requires fully-qualified hostname that is recognized by the DNS server.

While installing portal, you may find below error while providing hostname

EJPIC0067E: Portal requires fully-qualified hostname that is recognized by the DNS server.Enter hostname again.

You will find these instruction to say about 
Enter the fully qualified host name for the server, for example: hostname.example.com. Do not use a local host or a loopback address.

To resolve this problem, make an entry of hostname in host file location under C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

Open file called hosts and make an entry like www.extremeportal.com

Save file.

Now again try installing portal and provide www.extremeportal.com as hostname.
You should be able to proceed with your portal installation afterwards.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot! It saved me lot of time

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Thanks a lot,,,

theoretical tech dude said...

never modify the loopback line ( in the hosts file. Use ipconfig(windows) or ifconfig(linux) to figure out your IP address and then modify your hosts file by adding a new entry

Anonymous said...

i cant save the file hosts after editing it. Please tell me how to save it...


Anonymous said...

I cant save the file hosts after editing it. Please help me...


Anonymous said...

If you are using Windows Vista or 7, it won't let you save any changes directly in the /etc folder. In this case, copy it outside, change it, and copy it back. You need to be logged in with admin privileges.

Unknown said...

if you are not able to save this file :--It's a built-in safety feature. There is an easy workaround. ClickStart ->All Programs -> Accessories. Right-clickNotepad, and then click Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or clickAllow or Yes.

Open the Hosts file (from the notepad you just opened) , make your changes, and then click File ->Save.