Complete XMLAccess export of a Portal configuration

While writing xml access for you projects, you may require full xml export of your portal environemnt.
I am writing down simple steps on how to get full xml export of your portal environment...

1) Find the file Export.xml located under
and copy export.xml to <Portal_home>/bin

2) Open command prompt and go to <portal_home>/bin

3) Run the command
xmlaccess -user <Portal_admin_user> -password <Portal_admin_password>
-url <myhost>:<port>/
wps/config -in Export.xml -out result.xml

provide value for <Portal_admin_user>, <Portal_admin_password> , <myhost> and <port>

To know port details, refere to my article on Identifying WPS, WAS ports for your portal environment

sample command for portal versin 6.1.x
xmlaccess -user wpsadmin -password wpsadmin -url http://localhost:10039/wps/config -in Export.xml -out result.xml

result.xml will be there in <portal_home>/bin and will be having the full export of portal.

After successful command execution, command result should have following lines in end

<!-- 1152 [policy-node: type= Mail] -->
<!-- 1153 [policy-node: type= theme] -->
<!-- 1154 [policy-node: type= CompositeApp] -->
EJPXB0020I: The request was processed successfully on the server.

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