InterPortlet Communication - Best Practice Matrix

I published "InterPortlet Communication - Best Practice Matrix" on IBM portal wiki.
This IPC Matrix helps to choose best practice for various scenarios of IPC.


Anonymous said...

Can we done IPC with AJAX in JSR286?
For this can we use Server Resource method??

Neeraj Sidhaye said...

sorry for delayed response...had been very busy..anyways..
truely speaking I never tried this but I can suggest something..

you could try following steps..

1) Portlet 1 : sends the ServerResouce request

2) Portlet 1: state updated

3) get the response on portlet 1 from server resource

4) Portlet 2: there can be Java Script listener which will refresh that fragment by calling its own serverresouce

we can also fire a Java script event from portlet 1
which that other portlet code might respond to and do an ajax call to its serverresouce to get refreshed view

let me know how it goes.
good luck...

Cheers !!